Home Afrika Ltd is a public Listed Real Estate development company based in Nairobi, Kenya incorporated in 2008 with a vision of providing dignified planned communities across Africa.

 Home Afrika was founded on key principles of ‘Homes for All’ and ‘Economic Empowerment’ with a mission of addressing housing needs in Africa. We follow the principles of long term positive societal impact, creating synergies in our partnerships, integrity, fairness and discipline.

Home Afrika was founded in 2008 by a group of like-minded professionals and real estate practitioners, initially forming themselves out as an investment group before incorporating themselves into a fully fledged limited liability company.

The company is today listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) having been reclassified into the Main Investment Market Segment (MIMS) of the Exchange.


Being an NSE Listed company accords several advantages to the buyers, business partners, shareholders and other interested stakeholders of Home Afrika Limited which include:

  • The heavy regulation by the NSE (Nairobi Securities Exchange) and the CMA (Capital Markets Authority) ensures that the company has good corporate governance which in effect ensures that it is well managed & that it conducts its business with high integrity.
  • It accords the public an opportunity to own part of the company and participate in decision making by contributing through the AGM on various issues affecting the company.


With regard to our core mandate, Home Afrika has made significant steps towards the actualization of its Vision & Mission by undertaking various projects, some of which are already complete and sold out.

To address the housing need in Africa.


To be the leader in the provision of dignified planned communities across Africa.


Houses Become Homes




The Company’s business development, internal interactions as employees and external interactions are driven and defined by our core values. These are: PRIDES

Passion-Passion for the job is every employee’s emotional connection to their duties and their individual commitment to fulfilling their respective clients’ needs.

Respect-Respect as a company value in this instance refers to the ability to consider other people in work related interactions.

Innovation-Innovation is the development of new values through solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in value adding new ways.

Discipline-Discipline as a core value refers to the employees’ ability to understand the company’s business strategy, ethical standards of conduct and expected employee output and incorporating them whilst carrying out their individual duties and decision-making processes.

Excellence-As a core value, excellence in the Company’s context refers to its continuous improvement. Excellence is a talent or quality that is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is also used as a standard of performance.

Spirit of Teamwork-Teamwork is the ladder that takes any organization to the heights of success. Teamwork is defined as the cooperative effort of a group of people to achieve a specific goal. This goal cannot be attained individually.
