Kisumu, a dynamic city nestled on the shores of Lake Victoria, offers an exceptional opportunity for land ownership and development....
The new year brings with it a renewed sense of hope, a fresh start, and the perfect opportunity to set...
As a company, what we promise our clients we deliver. If you have acquired a plot (s) in any of...
Start with clear investment strategy Define your Investment goals, asses your risk tolerance and develop a clear strategy that aligns...
A clear representation of one of our happy client receiving their title deed "We promise we deliver
The setback of losing one's or family's hard-earned cash, savings made from real sacrifice, to land or property fraudsters has...
It is quite rare to hear of companies putting the interests of ordinary people first. Most of the time, companies...
Covid19 has taught us owning a home is the best investment you can ever make. For the past six months,...
The number of companies in Kenya running real estate business has increased exponentially within the last two years. Most companies...